I have decided to post on the Changi's trip on 25 and 26 july.. Haha..
Some rpoblems with my computer now so i am using my sis's laptop so i can't upload any pictures..i will upload it soon :D
Got to lakeside on 25th july, kaixin was first to reach follow by me, JianDa and RuiFang. Later, we went to the Train no.17 and, kelly, meiyu, shaoying, rachel and kenneth was there. We spilt into two groups. Me, KX, RF and JD in one group and the others in another group. [about 10 pm++]
Changi Terminal 3 is sooo nice! You can go kaixin, kelly 's blog to see the pictures. JianDa was so Zilian and he zi-pai a lot. We were looking for MAc, but couldn't find it so we went to T1 by taking the skytrain. We got a seat..we went to a food court or something, the food there is so expensive.. 3x more the original price..
Took skytrain to T2 and then to Burger king to wait for Mr Ng. Mr Ng came and jd and mr ng ordered while we sat there and eat the fries. Chat a while, JD is super disgusting.. haha and then our grp, is all December babies and we are from 2-4.haha [12pm++]
Went to take skytrain to T3 and we saw kelly's group. Haha..so all of us went to T3 and then to basement, shops were closed, but food outlets were still open. We sat outside the MR Bean's shop and rf say i look like the bean. .she is so bad right. Hahas kidding. Do chemistry homework first, actually is the first and the last. We did chem with the help of Mr Ng. [from 1am++ to 4am ++]
We Played Cheng yu jie long, Mr Ng''s chinese and chenistry is good. Had a few random chats there and we went to bought coffee and milo. JianDa treats us. Thanks alot!
The coffee was so sweeet! Time flys and we went to see shannon. Then went to Mac to eat breakfast with shannon, but our group didn't eat as we were quite full.
Then we took photos with shannon and walk her to the departure hall and see her going off. We see through the glass plane and wave her good bye.Sad :/ This may be the last time seeing her, maybe.. She will be back, i think. Went to toilet..the toilet there are super cool and class.
It was still quite dark and we couldn't see the plane.
Afterwards, we left with Mr Ng and kelly's grp stayed there for awhile. Mr Ng drive us to Kallang to eat. He wanted to drive us to Bedok to eat bak cuo mee, but the shop hasn't open.
Ate and then Mr Ng drive us to a bus stop at Bukit timah and i took 157 with JD, kx and rf took 174. JD was sleeping in the bus, he is really sleeping. I only had my eyes close as i am afraid i will miss my stop.
Home-- bathe and sleep from 9.00am to 2 pm and went bugis after eating lunch. Bought the power supply and harddisk for desktop~~ Ytd night i slept quite early.
Overall, the Changi airport's trip/camp was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all. Byes~