Hello! It's been 2 weeks from the Genting trip! I went with rf
and KX to Genting last, last thursday(24/5), yup exactly 2 week from today,
haha! Time really flies, it has been 2 week!
Okay I woke up really early on the first day because we are suppose to reach clementi taxi stand by
6am, but I'm still the latest. My dad drove me there before they depart to fetch my uncle, aunt and cousin in JB. And my parents helped to bring the luggage up! HAhaha! <3
We got on to our coach, it's WTS CEO platinum cruiser or something, theres TV for us (Y)!
first toilet/breakfast stop we had is at yongpeng, had one of my
favourite snack, cup corn <3 haha then I was sleeping in the bus all
the way zZzZZZZ
I saw my parent's car while on the way, how cool, but still they reached Genting earlier than us xD
requested for a linking room but the hotel receptionist said that
there's no linking rooms S: D: so either 3 of us in a room or 1 of us
had to stay in a room.. KX seems to prefer to stay in one room haha cos
she wants to train herself. I don't think I dare to sleep alone and haha
I prefer everyone to squeeze in one room, like more fun and cosy? Lol.
had our lunch, 煮炒 with my parents and relatives at the coffee shop
beside magnum4d and old town, at the resorts hotel's basement. The curry
fish is nice, especially the curry! They use stingray for the
fish woh, but still its nice!
Okay so after
that, I think we went to my parents' resort hotel room, definitely
better than first world! Just look at the toilet and you'll know!
three musketeers then started their theme park-shopping journey! Ok
well, initially we wanted to buy the indoor theme park pass for the
first day since we are not left with a lot of time for the first day but we
bought the 2day all theme park pass. Indoor first night+all theme parks
2nd day=RM96, all theme park for two days=RM97, so we decided to pay 1RM
more xP
The first ride of the trip, Flying Jumbo~!
Haha i really like the ride a lot (Siince young), I like the cute jumbo
and the feel when the jumbo goes up and down, haha, quite cool. I used
to choose and aim the jumbo that can fly up and down while queuing (there are some jumbos who
can't go up and down :( ), I used to do this with my
cousins, pretty silly but still quite fun hehe! And guess what, my jumbo can go up and down but not KX's and Rf's!

think we played another round of pirate ship again, is it? Or I think we
went indoors cos there were small droplets of water falling down and the clouds were
quite dark too. We queued up for euro express, the use to be the yellow
indoor roller coaster but it is now red. Haha then played bumper car,
it doesn't really matter if you know how to drive a real car to play
bumper car, it doesn't make any difference anyway, I think. Ohya, there
were this Indian lady and her son who cut our queue while we were
waiting for our turn. &@"%~%•¥$'. Haha so we decide to take our
revenge during the game, mission of the game : bump the car of the duo.
Haha call us childish or what! But I didn't really bump their cars
deliberately, i merely bump them when I see them, and we are not like
some bad ass can, afterall the fun of bumper car is to bump at strangers
and laugh sheepishly after u bump onto them on purpose. LOL. Ok end of
bumper car, we only played once D:
Warning, this part about our buffet dinner is really long~ Next is
dinner time! Makan loh! We went round Genting and resorts while looking
for cheap and nice buffet and we found ourselves buffet dinner at
resorts world hotel. Due to our wrisband( the theme park entry one), we
get 10% discount (Y), if you're member of the casino u get further
discount, I think. I think we spent RM45 for that. It's quite big, but
barely one quarter of the place is occupied, so it's quite quiet,but the
ambience is rather good. The off peak season probably explains the
sparse diners or maybe the hotel isn't famous for dinner? There are 6
sections to the buffet: Chinese, western, malay, Indian food, dessert
and salad bar.
I only tried the first two and the latter two :/
that I dislike Malay or Indian food, but the food there just doesnt
appeal to me. Ok im going to complain now. Everything looks Super spicy
with the bright orange and red sauces and the dark brown-black gravy
dishes just dont suit what I would like :X the roti prata looks okay to
me but going to a buffet dinner to eat roti prata, erm I'd rather leave
an extra room for other food cos I'm sure the hot prata from the hot pan
at some coffee shop will be better(?) ( haha I'm not sure cos I didn't
try it lol). Honestly speaking, there isn't a lot of food there, the
variety is limited and there's no seafood! There's no prawn! :( they
dont have cold drinks there, but I'm okay with just hot kopi, but the
kopi tarik is super sweet.
BUT, of course
there are good points about that too! The roasted chicken is quite nice!
The braised bean curb is not bad, Ilike the bean curb quite a lot, cos
there are like many layers in the beancurb, overcooked bean curb with
lot of layers is the best 😚
You can choose
your ingredients and ask the chef to cook for you, like yong tau foo,
but you can choose n number of pieces. Then my favourite of this buffet,
western food. The beef chop with the pepper sauce is nice, the beef
chop is rather thin so you can eat it effortlessly. The chicken chop is
quite thick, but since chicken meat is usually more tender and less
chewy, is still acceptable but would prefer it to be thinner. The corn
on the cob is nice according to KX , me and rf didn't try because of
our braces D: the potatoes is quite delicious too, the grilled potato
with the flakes of dried chilli on top, Waaa simple but nice!

the dessert, I made myself a bowl of ice kacang! The staff was quite
nice, he Assisted me in operating the ice blender haha! It doesn't
really look appetising at all, I know right, but it's really nice,
peanut With ice kacang makes a good combi actually! There's like burbur
hitam, sweet potatoes, cakes, kuehs, quite a lot of different variety
but taste soso.
There were actually quite lot of variety of
vege at the salad bar, different types of lettuce, cucumbers, guava,
dried papaya etc. 6 or 7 sauce to choose from. How I wish the main
dishes could have as many variety as the salad bar. Omg I think I'm
writing more than enough for the food! Haha ive no idea why but ive so
much to write lol! Ok to sum up, it's quite cheap for a buffet dinner at
a hotel, but not so much for the variety, taste wise is okay. Service
is vgood!
Omg I realise I have written so much on just one buffet dinner, okay shall stop!
Just two jokes to share that me and KX came up, why is there red and yellow watermelon?
The yellow watermelon dropped on to the ground and became red (bleeding).
Why is there red and white strawberry? The white strawberry is anemic. LOL
dinner, it's time for shopping to aid digestion! Shopped at first world
hotel plaza, we bought 3tshirts each at FOS for RM45! Don't shop too
late because the shops are not open
24/7! After feeling the sore of our legs, we went to play the gondola ride. This is our pretty gondola :)
When we pass by this statue, a little girl sitting on the same gondola as us said "Ah Mi Tuo Fo, hello!" HAHA cute ttm! trolololol!
bathing, is it? We went to Starbucks, and I ordered my favourite
cappuccino :) mmm.. <3 coffee haha! Feel so good to drink a cup of
coffee and chatting with friends. Probably there's too many peeps
fighting for the wifi at Starbucks, we can't go online ;( but it's okay
the cup of cappu can cheer us up. We manage to sleep even after taking
caffeine, that explains that we are tired or simply we are too piggy!
Morning! KFC's cheesy burger to wake us up and black coffee for me
again. And the black coffee is free flow! Woah! Idk why, but i always
find KFC in Genting to be super nice!
Off to
outdoor theme park! We realise that the four seater small boat that goes
up and down is on maintenance in that day! Oh gosh! The game that we
wanted to play!!! So we have learnt a lesson from it, do whatever you
want to and not regret after it is gone. For myself, I really want to
try the ride a lot, I haven't try it for even once and it looks super
fun! :(
We played other rides, Ferris wheel was the first game
for the day, if I'm not wrong. Haha enjoy the scenery and the cool wind!
Reminder that your hair will be really messy after the ride! lLOL!
Played some other rides too.........
settle down at this noodle restaurant beside hainan chicken rice shop
and I ordered Penang har mee, it's the spiciest Penang har mee I've ever
After shopping around, we went back to the hotel to take a nap. Haha, supposedly a half an hour nap but we slept for like 1.5 hrs in the end, because no one set any alarm and everyone was just tired.
After the short recharge, we went outdoor to play theme park again. Yep, we tried to sit on the last row of the pirate ship (Y)! I tried the flying coaster too, super exciting! Haha but too bad, i was worrying about the specs that were in my pocket during the game (i was trying not to add pressure on the specs, but lucky my specs is safe). I was screaming like mad, haha that scream was really from my heart, cos it was really quite scary. We had sweet potato for our dinner.
Then we watched a movie at the first world hotel theater, we watched the shadows of love, hehe Kwon San Woo acted with Zhang Bo Zhi, well it's a love story~ Anyway, the movie ticket was RM12 and the pop corn is RM3.50.
After that we played a game of Flying dragon, I think before we walk to the resorts hotel for out Sunner (supper+dinner) at old town white coffee. Playing Flying dragon at night is really cool, you get to see the theme park at night and feel the night breeze~~~ Woosh~
Penang Har Mee for RF again, assam laksa for KX and toast with potato curry for me. Haha but i like the white coffee a lot <3
After that we shopped at this shop that sells a lot of accessories call SM Shopping (I think?). Bought some wires back, I mean the wire-hairbands.
As planned, we will have Coffee bean for today's supper at around 2 or 3am. Haha! The cheesecake was awesome! The warm chocolate cake was okay at first but you get a little sick of the chocolate after a while :( As for the vanilla, I don't really know because I don't usually drink vanilla xDI don't usually sleep so late so I was a little dreamy and very tired!! Haha so we went back to wash up and sleep. I fell asleep really fast that day! Ha!
Seriously, I hate the last day of holiday trip the most, the packing, the waiting for time for the bus and yet not to be late to check out. And basically, the last day of the holiday trip means no more fun, back to "reality", no more cool weather of Genting Highlands! :( Anyway, we stopped by at a shop that sells localities, three of us bought the green peas (it's the you will want to pop those green peas into your mouth one after another kind of snack).
Okay, I think that's about what I can recall. A big regret of the trip is that I didn't take as many picture as I wanted (I forgot to bring the two pin adaptor :( ) and that Ying Ling could not make it to the trip. But afterall, it was still a very fun getaway! :D
Thanks RF and KX for this fun trip!