Hello! Around four more hours to the release of "o" levels results!! Good Luck to everyone! :D
Okay, i shan't remind myself of the release of the results.
Yesterday, morning was pretty slack, watched TV programme, one of it is 007 (is about 3 kids who acts like 3 investigator and solve some problem) Idk, i think is like that because i have only watched it for a half hour episode.
Went to yewtee CC in the afternoon and practice ErHu , practicing 刘天化’s 练习曲. Thank you Angela for teaching me :D Ohya and i tried Gao Hu for a while. I think Erhu sounds nicer, Gao hu is too high pitch?
Anyway, went to Yew Tee Point to meet up with my family and we went to Jurong Point to shop for CNY clothes :DD This is the first time i am using the new bus interchange, indoor one leh (LOL), so cool~ Air conditioned. xD
Yew Tee Point, Jurong Point.. and the next stop is Hong Kah Point (aka as wu tou/ wu bai duo/ 5xX) LOL, went to so many point in a day wah! Shop for more clothes and time for makan. My Sis and I ordered the Fried Prawn Noodle and we waited so long just to eat that, my mum had finished her wanton mee and her drinks while we are still waiting. Tsk, tsk! Shouldn't have ordered that :(
Ok, that's all.
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