I am happy with my results, all my hard work had been paid off :D
Thanks all the teachers who had taught me. Especially happy that i got B3 for English (though i didn't get an A, but getting a B3 is really a good news for me!)
From Secondary 1-Secondary 3 i have never get B for English before. Secondary 1 and 2 was always in the failing border (fail/c6). Thank you Miss Seetoh for pulling me out of the fail range! Secondary 3 was better, though i was still in C range, but i know i improved. Thanks to Miss Tang for your interesting Oral lessons, comprehensive comprehension lessons (LOL) and so sorry i forgot to thank her during the interview. And Miss Phua too for your writting essays skills, they are really useful :D
ANother happy thing ,A1 for combined humans :D, didn't expect that, thanks Ms Vi Jay for links and Mdm Rani for your notes. Hehehe... "Young lady, can you.."
Physics is my best science subject! Well, it never appeared so in my 2 prelims, so i am shocked too xD Tahnk you Mr Lau for building my interest in Physics and your encouragement, Mr Tan(F-fu) for your worksheetsss and teaching and Mr Ng for clearing my doubts!
Biology, though didn't get A1 but i am equally happy, because the papers are difficult (esp P1), so i am sastified too. Thank you, Miss Lim, my four year biology teacher!
Chemistry, one of my favourite subject, but didn't do as well as i thought, ya, maybe my target is too high, but i am sastified already. :D Thank you Miss Ong for your funny lessons and sweets for extra lessons =D
Maths (A and E) Yeah! Maths :DDDD
Thank you Ms Low, Mr Sam Chee Fai (idk why but i want to type his full name out, lol),Mr Ng, Mr Woon for your teaching and worksheets/ class tests :DDDDD
LAst but not least, thank you Mr Ng Zheng Yang, Miss Lim Yan Mui, Miss Tang Shien Yin for being my form teacher!! Thanks Mr Ng, i still rmb u treating all of us mcdonald and accompany us to Changi to send Shannon. Thank you Miss Lim and Miss Tang for your powerful Vitamin C and the lovely CD that brought back many memories!!
And, And, thank you 3-5 08' and 4-5 09', JEFI, 8 ppl cliques, JSSCO,2-4 07' ! I really enjoyed myself as a part of 4-5 09' <3, as JEFI and the 8ppl cliques, JSSCO!
LOL, it sounds like i have got the "hong xin da jiang", no i didn't (haha), i just want ot express my gratitude to those who have helped me in my Secondary 4 life and i really appreciate the help :D
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