This picture is quite cool right? I am not sure when i took this XD
Hello! I think my blog is not getting that active anymore :X Haha, i t wasn't active before, lol.
Well, i guess, i will only like blog once a week, and most probably on sundays.
Okay, i will just talk about Sat and Sun.
Sat is going to Mdm Tay's house to bai nian and ytccco tuan bai+going to uncle's house to bai nian. All was fun, very fun! Played mahjong and Daidee in Mdm Tay's house! Woo hoo, i love playing Dai dee the most! Joseph said if i win three rounds straight, he will buy the funorama coupons from me and i won three consecutive rounds and he bought it. Hahaha! Mdm Tay's son bought one from me too! :D Wellll, i really hope i have some job exp, at least for one day? But, nvm, it's okay, work are tough.
Thanks Kelly and yingling for your nice valentine's gift!
Tuan Bai! Ook, games was fun though there are some leng changs. Curry puff, fishballs, spring rolls are nice too! Thanks Uncle for the buffet! It was nice¬ Ohya, the jokes everyone share are funny! :)
Sunday wasn't a really great and happy day :/ Moody... Morning was like that, noon and evenings are also. Went to dover park hospice and being an emotional pple, it's hard for me not to be sad, i mean, i should be happy and bring joy to the people there.
Okay, got to do my tutorials :/ BYE!