Source: Ming Huan OGL's fb photo
This is my lovely OG! Vango of Voda! Vandgo vandgo vandgo oo lala, aiyayayayayaya~
I really like my dear group, my group member really rocks! Yay! Our OGLs are super good and nice! Orientation ended, ended, ended :/ So sad, can!? Monday = last day we will be going as a group :( and lessons will start! Awww.. i miss orientation and campfire!
I really love the games soo much, they are fun, fun! Mud crawl game was fun but dirty! I was one of the most dirtiest one because i was the last and the game masters poured like 1-2 pail of mud on me, how evil, but it was fun afterall. The sit in the circles game was nice, MRT game and the Polar bear(known as panda by us) was very fun too! Cheers was err.. not that fun but had a great time shouting (my throat hurts). Dance was quite fun, mass dance and couple dance. I still cant rmb which steps come after which xD I danced couple dance with Khatik, srsly must say sorry to him, cos i always forget the moves X.x
Campfire (though they wasn't any fire) was fun too! People was super duper high, some of them danced like they were clubbing! Don't judge the book by its cover, i learnt this during campfire. haha because those who looks so guai danced really well when the music starts, how cool! Haha!
Thank you, thank you Vandgorians, chloe,joyce, kaiying, avanti, rebehkah, michelle, priya, rachel, esther, marylyn, maurice, shawn, thomas, sze choo, tse jin, alfred, becker, khatik, andrew and of course, OGLs, Weiling, minghuan and francis!!!
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