Well, it's chinese new year and Valentine's day tmr, wish you an early happy chinese new year and Valentine's day! I will be going Malaysia tmr :D Yeah! Can meet up with relatives and collect Hong Baos! :D HEhehe...
Do you see that sunflower above? Rebekah is so niceee, she gave it to every Vandgorians, i think. And the flower is so preeety!
Aww.. so sad, ytd i didn't go back to JSS :/ because i kave a knee check-up. Prof says he may need to do another surgery again after my 'a' levels D: And, it's not putting something into my leg but cutting or what my ligaments. :(
Okay, let's not talk about this, heyhey must talk about happy stuff! Well, school has been pretty okay, but since it's only like a week of lectures, no tutorials yet. Glad that our class is a lively class, 1SB1, yeah, there are some jokers around. What CCA should i join? CO or guitar?
Haix, i shouldn't have gone for the guitar audition, aiya...I thought of joining guitar because there is practices on Saturdays for CO, but now the CO TIC says that since i know how to play i can choose not to go for saturday practices or leave early. BUT, i only know this on thursday during the welcome tea. And the guitar audition was on tuesday :/ I even told the guitar interviewer that i will choose guitar out of CO, but that is because i tot there is practices on sat. Aiya, how to explain to the guitar pple, i feel bad, but i want to join CO. I think it's tiring to learn two instrument at the same time, focusing on one is better X.x.
Once again, 新年快乐!万事如意!恭喜发财!情人节快乐!
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