Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, May 07, 2010

I took it at one of the shopping centre.
Wow, so busy this few weeks, i am so touched that there are people reading at my dead blog, thanks ah!!!
PW- PI submitted, actually submitted last week. PW is so tiring~! Research and datelines :X Next task: GPP. Luckily, GPP is not graded but it is still the base of the project, so it is rather important too.
Tmr CIP }(what symbol should i use? "." "..." "!") Idk, i will find out tmr! I think it will be quite tiring because we will be having car wash for 4 hours?
I think my chinese deproved, perhaps it is the 6months-no-chinese-lesson i had after chinese "O" levels. However, my English don't seems to improve. Maybe ACJC is the right choice, since most of them speak English there, can improve my English by speaking more of it. Haha..
CO COncert is coming, haha, it's actually still about a month more la. I don't like the costume, it is so dark, black long sleeve shirt, black long pants, black shoes and _____ tie.
Ohya, last week i went to Malaysia during the Labour Day holiday :D Went to Melaka first, and guess what, Jing Ning is going for competition again! Feel happy for her as she is able to get into the Semi-Finals. Jiayou!
Then went Muar to visit my uncle, he will get well soon, i really hope so.
Ok, needa sleep, byes!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Heya! Sooooory for not been blogging for such a loooooooooooooong time! Not becausei'm lazy but i am busy (it rhymes! LOL). Well, maybe a bit of lazy. Anyway, that's the picture of my class, 1SB1 and our form teacher, Mrs Soong.
As seen in the picture, there are more boys than girls, 9 girls and 17 boys! But, the proportion is still better than my Pri 6 class, 9 girls out of 42 students? (or is it 40, can't rmb). The PW question is out and many people have already written their 1st draft for their PI, but I still havent, our class missed 2 PW lessons! :/
Tmr swim PE, i seriously don't like myself, i should have remember to ask the doctor whether i can swim or not that time. But anyway, i will just go swimming, it's the 2nd swim pe lesson, our class missed 3 or 4 swim pe lessons, i think, due to founder's days, funorama etc.
Ohya, funorama! Didn't really get a chance to play, more of tending the stalls, it was quite tiring, but quite fun though. I want to play haunted house, but it is so ex :/
CAs are coming out, next week! Ya, next week! Going to be more and more busy, CAs, CO prep for 6th June concert- enCOre, recital....
I'm regretting, regretting to join Acco, but i can't quit, i don't know what to join if i quit, most of the CCAs are not accepting anymore people right? Haix, why did i choose CO?? Really hate the saturday practices, if not it will be fine. 9am to 4pm, then yew tee CO prac, NAC prac. Saturday is full of CO! Hope i don't get sick of it, grrrr:/
Okay, that's all.BB!
Monday, February 22, 2010
7th and 8th of CNY
This picture is quite cool right? I am not sure when i took this XD
Hello! I think my blog is not getting that active anymore :X Haha, i t wasn't active before, lol.
Well, i guess, i will only like blog once a week, and most probably on sundays.
Okay, i will just talk about Sat and Sun.
Sat is going to Mdm Tay's house to bai nian and ytccco tuan bai+going to uncle's house to bai nian. All was fun, very fun! Played mahjong and Daidee in Mdm Tay's house! Woo hoo, i love playing Dai dee the most! Joseph said if i win three rounds straight, he will buy the funorama coupons from me and i won three consecutive rounds and he bought it. Hahaha! Mdm Tay's son bought one from me too! :D Wellll, i really hope i have some job exp, at least for one day? But, nvm, it's okay, work are tough.
Thanks Kelly and yingling for your nice valentine's gift!
Tuan Bai! Ook, games was fun though there are some leng changs. Curry puff, fishballs, spring rolls are nice too! Thanks Uncle for the buffet! It was nice¬ Ohya, the jokes everyone share are funny! :)
Sunday wasn't a really great and happy day :/ Moody... Morning was like that, noon and evenings are also. Went to dover park hospice and being an emotional pple, it's hard for me not to be sad, i mean, i should be happy and bring joy to the people there.
Okay, got to do my tutorials :/ BYE!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year!

Well, it's chinese new year and Valentine's day tmr, wish you an early happy chinese new year and Valentine's day! I will be going Malaysia tmr :D Yeah! Can meet up with relatives and collect Hong Baos! :D HEhehe...
Do you see that sunflower above? Rebekah is so niceee, she gave it to every Vandgorians, i think. And the flower is so preeety!
Aww.. so sad, ytd i didn't go back to JSS :/ because i kave a knee check-up. Prof says he may need to do another surgery again after my 'a' levels D: And, it's not putting something into my leg but cutting or what my ligaments. :(
Okay, let's not talk about this, heyhey must talk about happy stuff! Well, school has been pretty okay, but since it's only like a week of lectures, no tutorials yet. Glad that our class is a lively class, 1SB1, yeah, there are some jokers around. What CCA should i join? CO or guitar?
Haix, i shouldn't have gone for the guitar audition, aiya...I thought of joining guitar because there is practices on Saturdays for CO, but now the CO TIC says that since i know how to play i can choose not to go for saturday practices or leave early. BUT, i only know this on thursday during the welcome tea. And the guitar audition was on tuesday :/ I even told the guitar interviewer that i will choose guitar out of CO, but that is because i tot there is practices on sat. Aiya, how to explain to the guitar pple, i feel bad, but i want to join CO. I think it's tiring to learn two instrument at the same time, focusing on one is better X.x.
Once again, 新年快乐!万事如意!恭喜发财!情人节快乐!
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Orientation !!!

Source: Ming Huan OGL's fb photo
This is my lovely OG! Vango of Voda! Vandgo vandgo vandgo oo lala, aiyayayayayaya~
I really like my dear group, my group member really rocks! Yay! Our OGLs are super good and nice! Orientation ended, ended, ended :/ So sad, can!? Monday = last day we will be going as a group :( and lessons will start! Awww.. i miss orientation and campfire!
I really love the games soo much, they are fun, fun! Mud crawl game was fun but dirty! I was one of the most dirtiest one because i was the last and the game masters poured like 1-2 pail of mud on me, how evil, but it was fun afterall. The sit in the circles game was nice, MRT game and the Polar bear(known as panda by us) was very fun too! Cheers was err.. not that fun but had a great time shouting (my throat hurts). Dance was quite fun, mass dance and couple dance. I still cant rmb which steps come after which xD I danced couple dance with Khatik, srsly must say sorry to him, cos i always forget the moves X.x
Campfire (though they wasn't any fire) was fun too! People was super duper high, some of them danced like they were clubbing! Don't judge the book by its cover, i learnt this during campfire. haha because those who looks so guai danced really well when the music starts, how cool! Haha!
Thank you, thank you Vandgorians, chloe,joyce, kaiying, avanti, rebehkah, michelle, priya, rachel, esther, marylyn, maurice, shawn, thomas, sze choo, tse jin, alfred, becker, khatik, andrew and of course, OGLs, Weiling, minghuan and francis!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Hello! Haven't been updating my blog recently because i am too busy to blog. will keep everyday short!
Let's start from : Last day of holiday
Okay, well, it's the last day of holiday but i was quite excited because i can go out with you people! Hehe, ya and we were "chased" by the security guard because the water playground @ the rooftop of LOT one is meant for children under 12 years old :/ Well, it's so sad that we can't play! So we headed to Zone-X and Ka Yin were playing some games there and i met An Hua there too, ahaha.. Well, then we went cclooklook and KaYin didn't bought her xxx!
First day of school
Nervous? Scared? Excited? Yes, all kind of feelings? Luckily, I went up to the bus and Yik Fung was there, haah and i look very short standing beside him, he is so tall. Then, meet up with Lynn and YiTeng (and Valerie was late, i think she is very scared, i will be damn scared too, like a new environment and you dk what to do). Talks by many people.. Separated into different groups and mine is Vandgo (Clan, Voda) Which means water! We learnt some cheers and played some icebreaker games. Somehow, i feel that i am very small, the only few who are from neighbourhood school and i think life will be very stressful :( Ahhh, and i srsly i think i have forgotten a lot of things in Sec, but i dun feel like revising it now. I wanna enjoy my orientation xD
2nd day of school
Not that nervous and scared but still feel so blur? Introductory lectures were quite boring but at least it help me a bit, from the way the teachers say it. H2 MAths is difficult, GP is difficult, Econs is difficult too :/ Should i take Geog as H1 instead, for at least i have studied a bit abt geog in Sec. I still have 2 more days to decide so well, i will listen to more of the IL? Tired and headache, I can't adapt to the need-to-wake-up-early-in-the-morning. I even threw up in the morning because i can't eat much at the morning. Well, i am glad that i rmb to bring plastic bag and i didn't throw up on the road xD It was fine after throwing up :D The Orientation so far was very FUN but tiring, ended like 6pm :/ Reached home at ard 7p, sobs need to miss Cruel temptation.
Sat (ytd) and Sun (today)
Cousin's wedding @ Malaysia. Need to skip yewtee and go to my aunt's house. Wan Xuan is soooo cute, but also quite naughty and fierce. Hehe, had fun there playing with Wan Xuan and my other cousins! :D Ohyea, i cut my fringe today, i still can't adapt to myself looking like that. Haha!
Okay, this is getting loooong, bye!
Let's start from : Last day of holiday
Okay, well, it's the last day of holiday but i was quite excited because i can go out with you people! Hehe, ya and we were "chased" by the security guard because the water playground @ the rooftop of LOT one is meant for children under 12 years old :/ Well, it's so sad that we can't play! So we headed to Zone-X and Ka Yin were playing some games there and i met An Hua there too, ahaha.. Well, then we went cclooklook and KaYin didn't bought her xxx!
First day of school
Nervous? Scared? Excited? Yes, all kind of feelings? Luckily, I went up to the bus and Yik Fung was there, haah and i look very short standing beside him, he is so tall. Then, meet up with Lynn and YiTeng (and Valerie was late, i think she is very scared, i will be damn scared too, like a new environment and you dk what to do). Talks by many people.. Separated into different groups and mine is Vandgo (Clan, Voda) Which means water! We learnt some cheers and played some icebreaker games. Somehow, i feel that i am very small, the only few who are from neighbourhood school and i think life will be very stressful :( Ahhh, and i srsly i think i have forgotten a lot of things in Sec, but i dun feel like revising it now. I wanna enjoy my orientation xD
2nd day of school
Not that nervous and scared but still feel so blur? Introductory lectures were quite boring but at least it help me a bit, from the way the teachers say it. H2 MAths is difficult, GP is difficult, Econs is difficult too :/ Should i take Geog as H1 instead, for at least i have studied a bit abt geog in Sec. I still have 2 more days to decide so well, i will listen to more of the IL? Tired and headache, I can't adapt to the need-to-wake-up-early-in-the-morning. I even threw up in the morning because i can't eat much at the morning. Well, i am glad that i rmb to bring plastic bag and i didn't throw up on the road xD It was fine after throwing up :D The Orientation so far was very FUN but tiring, ended like 6pm :/ Reached home at ard 7p, sobs need to miss Cruel temptation.
Sat (ytd) and Sun (today)
Cousin's wedding @ Malaysia. Need to skip yewtee and go to my aunt's house. Wan Xuan is soooo cute, but also quite naughty and fierce. Hehe, had fun there playing with Wan Xuan and my other cousins! :D Ohyea, i cut my fringe today, i still can't adapt to myself looking like that. Haha!
Okay, this is getting loooong, bye!
Monday, January 25, 2010

Fido Dido! 7 UP! Timetable of 2009! <3 :D
Haha, i cut that picture of fido dido from the 7 up bottle! xD I missed sitting at my desk, though there is A LOT OF reflection, have to switch off lights, close door, place the broom to prevent the door to fly open, empty the always filled rubbish bin, eek at the ants that is crawling into the rubbish bin, wipe the whiteboard... .. However, they are precious memories to me.. Hahaaa!
Okay! 2 more days to posting of results! JC or Poly? I will know on that day! Actually, i don't know whether i will be really happy if i get into my first choice. Hmm.. 2 more days and i will know :/ I should be excited as Wednesday is coming because i am going out with my great friends :D!
My cousin's son is inside this advertisement, he is the cute cute little boy! :D Go check it out if you want!
Ohyea, there is 3 dresses into me and my sis's wardrobe! One dress is my new dress, my sis bought it for me :D At first , i think that the pattern of the dress looks like that of the curtain, but it seems quite nice when i wear it. LOL!
I am going back to JSS someday, maybe tmr? Heheh.. will they allow me to go in? xD
Okay, byebye!
Saturday, January 23, 2010

I am tired, though i had a cup of Iced Mocha just now, but i still want to post., hehehe!
Today is YTCCCO recital (just now, actually)! And, this is the first time i am playing as ErHu1. Able to play most parts of the songs, i got practice one (since i have time now :D). Hmmm.. but without ZhiKai, i will die la :( HAha an sharing score with the principal player is good, no need to copy gong fa, but i am not lazy, actually i also want to help copy the gong fa.
Before the recital starts, there is a small, cute little boy who says "Hai mei kai shi ma?" "Yao deng wu fen zhong" "Wu fen zhong guo le" Hahaha, i think it's very funny and the way he speaks it, so innocent. Then, the recital began. Th emcees script are always very funny, but the audience did not laugh that much, i think, but why? Ohya, Kudos to the two soloists!! I think they are really powerful , ahahaha!
After recital, was a very great surprise to me! I saw Liyan with another girl, i think she looks quite familiar, but i am not sure who she is and you know who she is? KaiWen!!!! Can't imagine i meet her there! Though she is only a few blocks away from me, but i don't meet her in the neighbourhood wor. I think i am so bad, i can't even regconise my kindergarten friend + she is a very close friend to me! I know i am bad, but she changed quite a lot, as in the looks, but the way she speaks is still the same, haha! :D :D Idk why, but i am very excited when i met them :D
Hehehe and headed back home with KQ, XL, SM, SY.. Then, we became light bulbs because JJ and Shalen was there too, haa it was quite awkward. XL said that she wants to join soccer in JC, i think it's pretty cool, actually when i was younger, before that incident, i wanted to join soccer and as a goal keeper :D Okay, that's just a funny dream of me.
Okay, this is getting longerrr. I shall announce the winner of the cactus quiz, it is KA YIN! The cactus is call hong hong! :D
Friday, January 22, 2010
My plant! ♥

Today's picture of the day! My cactus! :D :D The name of this cactus is call Mao Mao, 毛毛!HAha, i know the name sounds very funny but i think it suits the cactus! Mao mao has got two buddies.... :D

Guess, guess, guess what's the name of this cactus? The winner will get a special token from me *evil smile* >;-) !
Mao mao and its buddy have been under the care of me since last year, late december. :D I bought it from IKEA with mum, actually i thought of buying it and then give it to others as a present. BUT somehow i don't feel like giving it away le. xD

Tada! This is the egg Val gave me! Though the instruction says it will grow in 3-8 days, but mine hasn't been growing, so i put in some green beans inside and it grow super fast!
Okay, that's all! ByeBye!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Fun at Valerie's House!

Heya! 20012010!
We(Val, Pris, KX, KY, Kelly, Yingling, me) :D went to west mall and eat Pastamania! , though i didn't eat pasta, haha! I prefer rice so i ordered baked rice,mushroom baked rice :D I think their service is pretty good, although i didn't ordered any drinks, but they provided plain water =D! Haha, crapped a lot and Valerie is so funny, she even brought the bus guide, but i think it's quite useful!
Took the bus to Valerie's house, a very nice condo wor! And, her house is even nicer! The lift will teleport you to Val's house straight, cool right! Her house is very neat and her study desk has little stuff, unlike mine. :/
Played Wii, tennis! This was the first time playing wii! I really enjoy it! Teamed up with yingling and we won >:-) Hehe, but the following games, i never win. The next game was "Just Dance', that game is really fun and i got the chance to see everyone dance! Bleh, i sucks at the game but i got win in the song "who let's the dogs out" maybe i can dance dogs song better, because the demo is a dog dancing. LOL.
Wind surfing, table tennis, eating, drinking, monopoly. And me, the aeroplane, haha! Don't step on my telecoms, muahaha. KY super funny, keep asking us whether we are selling our property or not! HAha!
Went back home and you know what, we took the same bus! The one with the dk who sux and the KX/KY words on it. Looks like a chartered bus leh, haha!
Thank you Valerie for bringing us to your house, thanks for your drinks, snacks, wii, piano, monopoly! Hope you like the roses Ahem give you! :D
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Valerie's pouch aka the treasurers' pouch, right? Used by class treasurer of 3-5 o8' and 4-5 09'! :D
That something is : asking people to pay up for their purchasing of files/ class fun. Hehe, also learnt how to cooperate with each other la .
Being a class treasurer isn't that fun, but you have got the chance to count a lot of money (LOL!) The not fun part is that people don't pay up, don't pay on time, ask money back from you ,account mess up, amount of money don't balance with the records (and it is really bad if there is shortage of money) and the fear of losing the money.
Haha, i still remember sometimes we will have more money than what it is recorded. And, during the first few months, there are "donations" of 10 cents that is found on the floor. There are also many people who pay up on time too. Miss Lim's cookie box that contains all the receipts, records and some money.
Actually, when we graduate, we are no longer the treasurers or loanshark any more, but we still hold the responsibility of being a treasurer because there are still money left over from the chalet. Actually, we can still buy the yan hua and play and maybe we can buy more tasty huang jin to bet!
Kk.. Let's move on.. I am excited about tomorrow! :D Going to Val's house! So people, meet at 12.45pm at bukit batok MRT station! Must remember! =D
Sorry to say, but i am not quite happy that people come to ask for refund, it is really troublesome. I have to meet up with you to pass the refund for class chalet. Okay, never mind, so i gave u a time and venue to you to pass you the money and you rejected... Waaaa, i really don't know what to say. I really wish i have the courage to say 要就来,不要就算了。But i cannot. Since 上头told me to give her back, i must follow the "order" and give her back, obey and not defy, right? Haha.. xD
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haha, very artistic? LOL..
I think it's quite artistic :D Haha, 老王卖瓜。 My hands shake while i was taking this picture so the effect came out to be this way. Idk, whether i post this picture before, if i did then this is a repeat xD
Yesterday was a freezing day, i am shivering because i am too cold. You must be thinking, i must be crazy, ytd it was so hot and i said i was cold. Haha, but i am not, because i was sitting under the airconditioner and it's really cold. And, i didn't bring my jacket :/ I must remember to bring jacket for ytccco practice!
I got a ErHu, not mine la, it's ytccco one. It has got a louder and nicer sound :D
Today morning, woke up at 6.45am! Meeting with XR, KQ, S, JY to eat breakfast before going to yt because there is an event there. The breakfast erm wasn't nice, I think KQ will agree with me, because i vomitted after eating. I think it is because the early breakfast was too heavy for me. Feel sick for a while and i got better soon :D
Okay, ByeBye! Gtg eat my dinner, late one!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Cute? I like it very much leh! Btw, Ruifang this is the DIY gift u gave me last, last year xD But i only did it after "O" levels xD..
I have submitted! :D
First choice : ACJC(science)
2nd: SP biomed
3rd: SP optometry
4th: SP food science and tech
5th: NP biomed
6th: NP optometry
7th: SP tourism and resort management
8th: NP tourism and resort management
9th: NP pharmacy science
10th: SP materials science
11th: SP applied chem with phar sc
12th: JJC (science)
Why not optometry as first choice? My goal is to go into university, so JC will be a better route? Since, it's difficult to get into the top 5%. And, the degree in optometry (in SP with the UM) isn't that good, my bro's friend in optometry says so. Plus, there isn't any optometry in local uni, so that's why it is in my 3rd choice.
If ACJC don't accept me, i think i will wait till april before school starts, i guess.. I think quite a number of people who i know chose ACJC, i think because it is not so far? I mind very long travelling time, so that's why other JCs are not in my choice. Why not JJC? Haha, my dad told me, better not choose jjc because that time he wanted the jjc principal to write a letter for my sister and the jjc principal rejected or something. Haha, i think it's quite funny.
Today, i went to look at some files and i saw my dad's testimonial and results. Haha, i don't even know that my dad is in the science society, chess club, swimming club (so many CCA) and he represented the class in football and table tennis (so cool !).
I thought of cutting my fringe, before CNY, i think i will look quite funny, but ppl says that if you tie your hair up, your forehead will become higher. :( CNY is coming! Next month, get to get Ang Paus :D
Yeah, meeting with you people next week, hopefully! I really hope that we can still go out very often, even though we are in different school!! Okay??
That's all! BYEBYE!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I can't decide yet..

Haha, ugly paint /\/\ xD
AHhhh, why am i so indecisive, when i said i wanted that confidently, but in the end i changed. Or, will i change again. I really don't know what to choose, if u want me to choose a school (JJC?ACJC?PJC?/ SP?NP?), i can choose, but if you want me to choose whether to go JC or Poly, it is really a difficult decision, at least for me.
I guess i have to submit that by tonight/ midnight? I will give it a damn serious thought and have a discussion with my family.
I think i will regret, probably after i have submitted that, but hopefully, i wont amend it (cost me $10!).
Okay, and if i go JC, i want to take the chem/phy/maths (H2) + econs combination. If Poly, Optometry :D
No more JC or Poly, i am tired of talking/ typing about that. I have been sms-ing, msn-ing, talking about whether i should go JC or poly. Have you notice that, i have at least a photo in my recent blog post. Don't ask me why i put that, because i don't know the main reason,i just feel that a photo will make the post nicer and maybe, more lively? But, i know, who cares?
Just a short post today, and tmr you will know what are my choices. xD
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
X - road

See how the bird is, so carefree~ And, they are united too.
What should i do? JC or Poly, i have heard so many advices and i know what they want of me, but i am still not sure. Poly or JC? JC or Poly?
Went to ACJC open house today with Valerie :D
And, I found out that Valerie is very concerned about him, xDD..
The open house ain't good, we are so lost, but no one cared about us, haha! No goody bags, only a bookmark and a mineral water :/ Especially that chinese booth girl, yar, we didn't take HMT, so what? But, i heard ACJC is still a good school, after all :D
Yesterday, we were having a 7people conference talking about our FUTURE. LOL. But, i still have not come to any conclusion, but at least i know my their choice. I asked ppl in msn, whoever i sees online and are not busy/away/idle and thank you for sharing! :D
JC or Poly? Ahhh, my bro's friend says i go JC better? I really don't know. I asked some teachers today and they told me this: (contributed by Mr Wong, Miss Lim, Mr Ng) xD
1. Can you cope with the JC life? (Yes, maybe?) --> JC
2. Do you like hands-on learning? (Ya, both hands-on or textbook works quite well) --> JC/ Poly
3. Do you know which course to take? (Ya, optometry/ biomed?) --> Poly
So it's like 50-50, yar 50-50 again. My mum said, if u get above 8 go Poly, below 8 go JC and i am just 8 (raw L1R5). Arghhh..........
JC --> scared of GP, scared of bad "A" level results= no local unis to go but shorter route to uni
Poly--> afraid that i can't go uni (but there is still a diploma=can work).
I know i have loads of worries and I am a coward, afraid of this and that. Ah..
I am confused, i don't know what i want. I hate to make such decision. :/
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Results Released! Thanks to....

I am happy with my results, all my hard work had been paid off :D
Thanks all the teachers who had taught me. Especially happy that i got B3 for English (though i didn't get an A, but getting a B3 is really a good news for me!)
From Secondary 1-Secondary 3 i have never get B for English before. Secondary 1 and 2 was always in the failing border (fail/c6). Thank you Miss Seetoh for pulling me out of the fail range! Secondary 3 was better, though i was still in C range, but i know i improved. Thanks to Miss Tang for your interesting Oral lessons, comprehensive comprehension lessons (LOL) and so sorry i forgot to thank her during the interview. And Miss Phua too for your writting essays skills, they are really useful :D
ANother happy thing ,A1 for combined humans :D, didn't expect that, thanks Ms Vi Jay for links and Mdm Rani for your notes. Hehehe... "Young lady, can you.."
Physics is my best science subject! Well, it never appeared so in my 2 prelims, so i am shocked too xD Tahnk you Mr Lau for building my interest in Physics and your encouragement, Mr Tan(F-fu) for your worksheetsss and teaching and Mr Ng for clearing my doubts!
Biology, though didn't get A1 but i am equally happy, because the papers are difficult (esp P1), so i am sastified too. Thank you, Miss Lim, my four year biology teacher!
Chemistry, one of my favourite subject, but didn't do as well as i thought, ya, maybe my target is too high, but i am sastified already. :D Thank you Miss Ong for your funny lessons and sweets for extra lessons =D
Maths (A and E) Yeah! Maths :DDDD
Thank you Ms Low, Mr Sam Chee Fai (idk why but i want to type his full name out, lol),Mr Ng, Mr Woon for your teaching and worksheets/ class tests :DDDDD
LAst but not least, thank you Mr Ng Zheng Yang, Miss Lim Yan Mui, Miss Tang Shien Yin for being my form teacher!! Thanks Mr Ng, i still rmb u treating all of us mcdonald and accompany us to Changi to send Shannon. Thank you Miss Lim and Miss Tang for your powerful Vitamin C and the lovely CD that brought back many memories!!
And, And, thank you 3-5 08' and 4-5 09', JEFI, 8 ppl cliques, JSSCO,2-4 07' ! I really enjoyed myself as a part of 4-5 09' <3, as JEFI and the 8ppl cliques, JSSCO!
LOL, it sounds like i have got the "hong xin da jiang", no i didn't (haha), i just want ot express my gratitude to those who have helped me in my Secondary 4 life and i really appreciate the help :D
Monday, January 11, 2010
Point. Point, Point.

Hello! Around four more hours to the release of "o" levels results!! Good Luck to everyone! :D
Okay, i shan't remind myself of the release of the results.
Yesterday, morning was pretty slack, watched TV programme, one of it is 007 (is about 3 kids who acts like 3 investigator and solve some problem) Idk, i think is like that because i have only watched it for a half hour episode.
Went to yewtee CC in the afternoon and practice ErHu , practicing 刘天化’s 练习曲. Thank you Angela for teaching me :D Ohya and i tried Gao Hu for a while. I think Erhu sounds nicer, Gao hu is too high pitch?
Anyway, went to Yew Tee Point to meet up with my family and we went to Jurong Point to shop for CNY clothes :DD This is the first time i am using the new bus interchange, indoor one leh (LOL), so cool~ Air conditioned. xD
Yew Tee Point, Jurong Point.. and the next stop is Hong Kah Point (aka as wu tou/ wu bai duo/ 5xX) LOL, went to so many point in a day wah! Shop for more clothes and time for makan. My Sis and I ordered the Fried Prawn Noodle and we waited so long just to eat that, my mum had finished her wanton mee and her drinks while we are still waiting. Tsk, tsk! Shouldn't have ordered that :(
Ok, that's all.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Class Chalet (2)
Hello, this is the 2nd episode of 4-5 09' Class Chalet, haha 1st episode is last post.
In the morning, some of us went back to JSS and some to the wet market near Kayin house. I really have no skills in choosing the freshest prawns/chickens, Kelly and YingLing is better, i think i am better at eating (the easiest job). But, i followed my mum to the wet market sometimes(or do i mean once in a year?).
Then, we went back to the chalet and played card games again, well it's the similar game again. Played 大老二 with KaiXin, Liang Yueh and WeiGuang, hehe i won some rounds! I am a very experienced player, i learnt dao lao er when i was very young, like primary one? Because when i went to my grandma's house (@Muar), my cousins will play dao lao er and i will be learning with them :D. Actually, da lao er is also about luck la.. haha....
Then, KaiXin went off to meet ______ (hahhaha!!)Continued to play until the mahjong came! I think i got hu one round before eating the beehoon and me and Kelly went to take a nap.
Ohya, we played Cheats and i am a honest people, i seldom cheat one, okay? I had a hard time teaching Benedict how to play cheat, i think he don't know the sequence well and he often got mixed up with j,q and k and when he got no cards to put, he will stunt for a minute (and people will know he is cheating). Very funny~!
The coin game! The follow the leader! Miss Lim and Miss Tang joined in too. The coin game is super funny as Liang Yueh did not guess correctly and he needs to do forfeit. Miss Lim took the video of him dancing nobody leh, and miss lim says she will not post on youtube but fb, LOL!
RuiFang and Valerie came, so long never see Rui Fang already!!
It was BBQ time!! The Chicken wings is very tasty but we had to lied in front of Kelly (because she can't eat chicken).
Haha, then went indoors and played CHEAT, i could here Benedict saying to Kayin :你这个人很狡猾,很阴险。我要小心你!Hahaha, i think Kayin must be hoping mad but was LOL-ed by him. Played SNAP next and he keep thinking that we gang up and let him lose, when the game don't allow us to gang up.
Haha, then played SNAP! (+1-1) with ShingHei and LiangYueh, i think that is really very exciting and two of them are very pro, my 反应must be very fast lor! I got a thick stack of card, i lose la though the game didn't end but i had to go home and Dad drove me home.
Reluctantly, i left the chalet and took this picture before i left:

In the morning, some of us went back to JSS and some to the wet market near Kayin house. I really have no skills in choosing the freshest prawns/chickens, Kelly and YingLing is better, i think i am better at eating (the easiest job). But, i followed my mum to the wet market sometimes(or do i mean once in a year?).
Then, we went back to the chalet and played card games again, well it's the similar game again. Played 大老二 with KaiXin, Liang Yueh and WeiGuang, hehe i won some rounds! I am a very experienced player, i learnt dao lao er when i was very young, like primary one? Because when i went to my grandma's house (@Muar), my cousins will play dao lao er and i will be learning with them :D. Actually, da lao er is also about luck la.. haha....
Then, KaiXin went off to meet ______ (hahhaha!!)Continued to play until the mahjong came! I think i got hu one round before eating the beehoon and me and Kelly went to take a nap.
Ohya, we played Cheats and i am a honest people, i seldom cheat one, okay? I had a hard time teaching Benedict how to play cheat, i think he don't know the sequence well and he often got mixed up with j,q and k and when he got no cards to put, he will stunt for a minute (and people will know he is cheating). Very funny~!
The coin game! The follow the leader! Miss Lim and Miss Tang joined in too. The coin game is super funny as Liang Yueh did not guess correctly and he needs to do forfeit. Miss Lim took the video of him dancing nobody leh, and miss lim says she will not post on youtube but fb, LOL!
RuiFang and Valerie came, so long never see Rui Fang already!!
It was BBQ time!! The Chicken wings is very tasty but we had to lied in front of Kelly (because she can't eat chicken).
Haha, then went indoors and played CHEAT, i could here Benedict saying to Kayin :你这个人很狡猾,很阴险。我要小心你!Hahaha, i think Kayin must be hoping mad but was LOL-ed by him. Played SNAP next and he keep thinking that we gang up and let him lose, when the game don't allow us to gang up.
Haha, then played SNAP! (+1-1) with ShingHei and LiangYueh, i think that is really very exciting and two of them are very pro, my 反应must be very fast lor! I got a thick stack of card, i lose la though the game didn't end but i had to go home and Dad drove me home.
Reluctantly, i left the chalet and took this picture before i left:

Friday, January 08, 2010
4-5 09' Class Gathering ♥
Hello! I am back from 4/5 09' Class Chalet! Haha, actually I am back yesterday, but i am too tired to blog and today i had no time because we went to Poly open house *SP and NP*. I had two bags of goodies :D one from SP and another NP. Ohya, we were nearly lost in NP, so funny xD
Anyway, it was a fruitful day, at least i know more about the courses, but i am still confuse on what course to take, or whether i should go Poly or JC? Haix, 3 more days to "O" levels results. Ahhhh!!
Ok, let's talk about class Chalet instead, i went for only 2D1N and i really enjoyed myself very much there! It was my first class chalet and i really had FUN! :D
Day 1 (6/1/2010)
I went to Chevrons by bus 99, i think i looked like a tourist, except that i didn't take the map but the bus route and i was looking left and right and trying to see the bus stop station. Meet up with kayin, Ying Ling and Kelly at the lobby and went to our chalet -- Meranti :D
Looks like Ka Yin brought a lot of stuff to eat, haha.. Then , we played some games like murderer, "one chicken, pluck hair, po-key?" and the ____(idk what's the name of the game). And it was free time , i think i played 象棋 with Kayin and Kayin was very irritated as there are two onlookers that was giving comments. After that, we played poker cards, 五张,二十一点,三张。 Lol, a GREAT diversity?!
Dinner At IMM- Bagus. We bought stuff for BBQ at Giant and they bought sweets!
Sweets = 黄金 (Gambling chips) The packaging= 黄金袋 <-- Benedict says one, LOL! Used our "gambling chips" to played some card games and benedict is giving his sweets to us (Valerie, he is generous!) Haha, played card games with KaiXin, Ka Yin, Benedict and Liang Yueh(big winner) till 1pm ++ and it's time for sleeping!
Ka Yin and me shared the sleeping bag and we slept on the floor, luckily we had a pillow to share~ Though it is sleeping but i think it is more of closing my eyes and count sheeps -.- ,because i can't get to sleep! I am not sure why i can't get to sleep, but one of the reason is the stupid mosquitoes :( But luckily, i had slept for a few hours...
I think this getting longer, so i will post about day 2 tmr/ the day after tmr..
Bye! Cya~!
Anyway, it was a fruitful day, at least i know more about the courses, but i am still confuse on what course to take, or whether i should go Poly or JC? Haix, 3 more days to "O" levels results. Ahhhh!!
Ok, let's talk about class Chalet instead, i went for only 2D1N and i really enjoyed myself very much there! It was my first class chalet and i really had FUN! :D
Day 1 (6/1/2010)
I went to Chevrons by bus 99, i think i looked like a tourist, except that i didn't take the map but the bus route and i was looking left and right and trying to see the bus stop station. Meet up with kayin, Ying Ling and Kelly at the lobby and went to our chalet -- Meranti :D
Looks like Ka Yin brought a lot of stuff to eat, haha.. Then , we played some games like murderer, "one chicken, pluck hair, po-key?" and the ____(idk what's the name of the game). And it was free time , i think i played 象棋 with Kayin and Kayin was very irritated as there are two onlookers that was giving comments. After that, we played poker cards, 五张,二十一点,三张。 Lol, a GREAT diversity?!
Dinner At IMM- Bagus. We bought stuff for BBQ at Giant and they bought sweets!
Sweets = 黄金 (Gambling chips) The packaging= 黄金袋 <-- Benedict says one, LOL! Used our "gambling chips" to played some card games and benedict is giving his sweets to us (Valerie, he is generous!) Haha, played card games with KaiXin, Ka Yin, Benedict and Liang Yueh(big winner) till 1pm ++ and it's time for sleeping!
Ka Yin and me shared the sleeping bag and we slept on the floor, luckily we had a pillow to share~ Though it is sleeping but i think it is more of closing my eyes and count sheeps -.- ,because i can't get to sleep! I am not sure why i can't get to sleep, but one of the reason is the stupid mosquitoes :( But luckily, i had slept for a few hours...
I think this getting longer, so i will post about day 2 tmr/ the day after tmr..
Bye! Cya~!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Lunch with Mdm Tay :D

Source: Jianda's facebook picture
Yesterday, it was lunch with Mdm Tay,
郑老师!Mdm tay should be going to or at Bangkok now, i think, bon voyage~!
5 of us + Mdm tay went to Seoul Garden @ Bugis Junction to eat.
Honestly, it cost me a bomb, i have not been earning money, in fact, i am using the hard earned money from Dad and Sis. I think i must really treasure the time now, if i am working, i think only holidays would be nice or else the other days would be tiring and hectic :(
Back to lunch with Mdm Tay, though there is only 6 of us, but it is still fun and i missed Mother Tongue lessons, i missed 听写。Hahaha, i think there won't be any 听写 anymore right? And, if i go to Poly, there won't be mother tongue lessons anymore.
Benedict is really a cockle-lover, plates and plates of cockles.. Haha, i think i like the terayaki chicken the most so i ate that most. We made our Ice Kachang, but honestly, my ice kachang sucks man, the ice is so rough and is just not nice, perhaps i didn't put enough syrup?
Ohya, Mr bean called me yesterday!! Haha, LOL, not the Mr bean

but the mr bean!

Well, i called them up because i saw that they are hiring, but they say they don't want to hire students. xD
Anyway, I want to go Mdm Tay's house to 拜年!
Thank You, KaiXin for your presents! I like the cup very much, very cute :D
Thank You, Valerie for your presents and Yunnan's souvenirs! And, your capsule letter brought back a looooooot of fond memories to me :D
3rd of Jan -- YTCCCO Games Day!
Hey yo!
3rd of Jan -- YTCCCO Games Day! ♥
I woke up early that day and i woke up at 9am *haha i know it is not very early*. Meet up with Shalen before going to yewtee, i am sorry Shalen that i am late and thank you for your lovely tweety bird toy :D
The first game was three-legged soccer + one partner partially blindfolded (wear two plastic cups with a hole at the base). I am in the BLUE group and paired up with Jie Yi. And, who wins? Of course the blue group, thanks to the other powerful blue group members xDD. Count me unlucky, i was kicked by someone and now i have a blueblack on my leg :( , forget who the person is, but nevermind XD
2nd game was the tile mace, a game of pure luck. When we reach the check point we must do some forfeit/dare etc. Blue group wins again, just by 1 tile!?!
3rd game was untangling game?? I don;t know the name, but everyone holds hand and u have to untangle to win. That game was very difficult and we tried many times but we still can't solve it. And, Red group wins :D
4th game was Rag-and-bone and the bone will be our lunch, the game was funny. 5th game was.. erm..? Burst theballoon, that game was even funnier and seems more gay!
Will post about the lunch with Mdm Tay in the next post! =D
3rd of Jan -- YTCCCO Games Day! ♥
I woke up early that day and i woke up at 9am *haha i know it is not very early*. Meet up with Shalen before going to yewtee, i am sorry Shalen that i am late and thank you for your lovely tweety bird toy :D
The first game was three-legged soccer + one partner partially blindfolded (wear two plastic cups with a hole at the base). I am in the BLUE group and paired up with Jie Yi. And, who wins? Of course the blue group, thanks to the other powerful blue group members xDD. Count me unlucky, i was kicked by someone and now i have a blueblack on my leg :( , forget who the person is, but nevermind XD
2nd game was the tile mace, a game of pure luck. When we reach the check point we must do some forfeit/dare etc. Blue group wins again, just by 1 tile!?!
3rd game was untangling game?? I don;t know the name, but everyone holds hand and u have to untangle to win. That game was very difficult and we tried many times but we still can't solve it. And, Red group wins :D
4th game was Rag-and-bone and the bone will be our lunch, the game was funny. 5th game was.. erm..? Burst theballoon, that game was even funnier and seems more gay!
Will post about the lunch with Mdm Tay in the next post! =D
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year
Welcome 2010!
Hey yo, it's 2010, and i am here to blog.. Hehe, i told myself to blog on the 1st day of 2010 and here is am!
I have changed the blogskin to my favourite Doraemon and the blogskin is in blue! Yes, blue, my favourite colour! :D Due to laziness(again), i did not create one myself, it's easier to get one from right?
It seemed that i have so little post in 2009, i think it is partly due to "O" levels, "O" levels result is coming out soon, but let me enjoy myself for the moment so forget about it first. I still had no working experience yet :(, first, it was because many wanted to hire people that is 16 years and above so i had to wait till my birthday is over, then, i went to malaysia. Now, erm.. want to enjoy myself until results is out first?
Why am i back here again? I want to improve my English! Haha, i am using very little English nowadays, except in Facebook and Msn. At least, i have been speaking in Mandarin with my family, but too bad it's been so long since i write something in chinese (for eg compo). What have i been doing in this long break? SLACK. I have been watching dramas all day, play my Erhu and going to facebook and sometimes audition.
学警狙击is very nice, though i had not finish the episodes, but for now it is a good drama to me. I think it is much better than 学警出更 and watch it in Cantonese as it sounds better and more natural. Can learn Cantonese along the way too! :D
Okay, that's all! Byes!
Hey yo, it's 2010, and i am here to blog.. Hehe, i told myself to blog on the 1st day of 2010 and here is am!
I have changed the blogskin to my favourite Doraemon and the blogskin is in blue! Yes, blue, my favourite colour! :D Due to laziness(again), i did not create one myself, it's easier to get one from right?
It seemed that i have so little post in 2009, i think it is partly due to "O" levels, "O" levels result is coming out soon, but let me enjoy myself for the moment so forget about it first. I still had no working experience yet :(, first, it was because many wanted to hire people that is 16 years and above so i had to wait till my birthday is over, then, i went to malaysia. Now, erm.. want to enjoy myself until results is out first?
Why am i back here again? I want to improve my English! Haha, i am using very little English nowadays, except in Facebook and Msn. At least, i have been speaking in Mandarin with my family, but too bad it's been so long since i write something in chinese (for eg compo). What have i been doing in this long break? SLACK. I have been watching dramas all day, play my Erhu and going to facebook and sometimes audition.
学警狙击is very nice, though i had not finish the episodes, but for now it is a good drama to me. I think it is much better than 学警出更 and watch it in Cantonese as it sounds better and more natural. Can learn Cantonese along the way too! :D
Okay, that's all! Byes!
Happy New Year! \/
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